An expected phone call work me up at 2am.
I received the news which pierced my heart.
My brain couldn’t process it.
Someone from my family tried to end her life.
She is only in her 20s and has a decent profession.
She seemed happy to me.
What made her want to give up her young life?
I blamed myself for never asking her how she was.
I didn’t know how to ask her and I didn’t know
how to talk to her in her important time of her life.
I didn’t understand her struggles. I was totally guilty and
I didn’t work on the problem inside my family.
So I started asking young people I am close and
started asking them how they are doing and trying
to know them better.
I see their exhaustion, crisis of identity, fragility, longing and self doubt, System and also soiecty cruelly ripped off the tenderness of their youth and pushed them to the edges. It’s also the fragility and confusion of the time they are living in .
They have become trapped following the dreams. But they really want to are their trapped souls , looking for some understanding.